3 Ways to deal with unhappy customers

Customers have different expectations once they purchase a product or service from you. There are customers that will be satisfied by the product and what it has done to them.
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There is another group that will be dissatisfied with your product or service. When they return with unhappy faces avoid causing any scene. There are great ways to deal with a dissatisfied and unhappy customer.

Collect facts

Sometimes we jump into conclusions before finding out what the real problem is. When unhappy customer approaches you, collect all the facts that caused him to come back. Collection of facts may give you a clue on what you need to do to rectify the problem. Listen first then know how you will solve a problem.

Show you are ready to help

By just listening to unhappy customers complaints you send a message that you are ready to help. Inform the customer that you will deal with the problem. One mistake you can make is transferring him to someone else. By agreeing to solve their issue you give customers an ease of mind.

Follow up

This comes after you have resolved the issue. Contact the customer to find out if the new product is working well for him. At least you will reduce the anger he had not just on you but the whole company.

Your business can learn a lot from unhappy customers. We can help you discover who they are, why they’re unhappy and how to solve their problems.

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