If you don’t have the metrics to understand the customer experience, it’s hard to really understand if you’ve improved the interactive IT customer experience. Reviewing usage metrics and customer feedback surveys, tell you how well you are doing in terms of customer support.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
How can I compile data to analyze?
When you deliver an interactive IT customer experience with the help of Yonyx, all of the data you are interested in is automatically compiled into a database. There is no need to run external analytics with the ability to visualize popular traversal pathways and note changes in customer behaviors.

What metrics are worth analyzing?
Ultimately you need decide which metrics are most valuable for your business to improve the interactive IT customer experience. However, a good starting point to is to find out which sections are post popular. Enhance the existing material to provide an even more dynamic experience.
How do I know what to improve?
Knowing which areas need to be improved for a more interactive IT customer experience is one thing, but knowing how to improve them is another story. If you aren’t sure where to begin, consult with a customer support analyst to create and execute a plan.
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