Customers don’t like to be held up by your company’s service disruptions. In fact, this brings a big impact on them so before this happens to you, make sure you know the ways to deal with them.
Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that replace the experience of getting help from a call center agent with interactive self-service.
Identify that there is service disruption. Generally, service disruptions can be recognized either when customers begin contacting you about the same issue and your customer support team will flag an alert sign or when the operations managers – those who actively maintain your system – notice a form of failure, which raises suspicion for red alert.
Once the problem has been identified, your customer support rep must communicate immediately with your existing customers, which is usually done indirectly. For instance, the reps shall post a Tweet update notifying the customers that the company knows about the issue and create a topic in the company’s forum about it. Doing this will help reach a large number of audience and will keep the customers updated.
Assign the appropriate players to resolve the issue right away. The customer support analyst along with the IT team and the executives must collaborate to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. More often, this starts with incident reporting and following specific process best deals with the problem.
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