How to Write a Killer Knowledge Base Article (KB articles)

The main purpose of a knowledge base article is to enlighten a consumer about a product. Therefore eliminating the need for him to contact customer care for help. It is for this reason that when you write these articles that they serve the purpose. Here are tips to help you write killer knowledge base articles.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

Invest in good knowledge base articles to improve customer satisfaction.
Invest in good knowledge base articles to improve customer satisfaction.

Identify weakness areas in current KB articles

Knowledge base articles are supposed to be informative on complex customer subjects. Therefore you should develop titles from areas that consumers don’t fill are well addressed. You can easily find clues by monitoring and studying customer responses.

Make easy KB articles

Make sure your article is easy to read and browser. Just assume that the article will be read by a person seeing it for the first time. It should be easy on terminologies and offer directions in order to avoid creating more puzzles.

Be organized

Remember the core reason for the article is to pass down information. Therefore do the article a favor by organizing it in away that will offer clear but simple answers to consumer questions

Choose simple titles for your KB articles

Titles are what consumer will look up to in order to find answers. Make them simple and direct to ensure that your customers find whatever they are looking for easily.

We make it easy for you to create useful KB articles customers will consistently read and use to help themselves. Click on the link below to know how Yonyx can help you with your knowledge base.

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