Be Careful Using Online Surveys to Enhance The Customer Experience

The title of this post may be over-dramatic a bit, but recent data has shown that there is a degree of fatigue with online customer service surveys. Think about it: how many times have you been surfing the web, and a pop-up will appear notifying you that you’ve been selected to complete a survey. Each survey boasts that it’s short and won’t take long, but the data coming from actual customers says otherwise. Let’s take a look at some of the numbers.

Data regarding surveys was recently released, and it was found that 12 percent of people reported that the surveys were too long, and 21 percent state they do not have time to complete these surveys. In my experience, I can back this statement up, as I once visited a web page for some quick information, and was asked to take a survey. The survey took five minutes, which is longer than I intended to actually spend on the site! The data holds some promising results however: 18 percent of respondents would take surveys if they were shorter, and 13 percent would take them if an incentive was offered. I can again speak from experience: I once subscribed to a magazine that asked me to participate in a survey. The reward: a ten dollar Amazon gift card. Did I take the survey? You bet! Keep these factors in mind when planning your next survey.

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