CSAT Scores vs. High FCR – Which Do You Prioritize?

Virtual self-service manuals can raise both CSAT scores and first-call resolution rates. Make both a priority!
Virtual self-service manuals can raise both CSAT scores and first-call resolution rates. Make both a priority!

Numerous articles examine the importance of both CSAT (customer satisfaction) scores and high FCR (First-Call Resolution). There are various strategies that will aid businesses in achieving both.

However, many times businesses and corporations find themselves at a crossroads. Sometimes, one of these has to be a priority, a primary objective. The other facet has to be a secondary objective, while still prevalent but nevertheless secondary to the primary goal.

The old adage goes: :”Which came first: The Chicken or the Egg?” A similar paradox emerges in the question of which eggs to put in the proverbial basket: Focus on raising CSAT scores or improving First Call Resolution? Essentially, these two entities feed off each other. However, it is possible to have a High FCR and sport a mediocre CSAT score. Conversely, enterprises often pride themselves on amicable CSAT scores but still do not foster High FCR.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service

So which of these two, do you attack first? Well the answer should always be: BOTH. A virtual self-service manual from Vonyx can help resolve issues expediently while also enhancing the customer service experience.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

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