What is HTTPS Security? A Feature In Every Yonyx Guide


HTTPS Security provides a blanket of security to any web-browsing experience accompanied by any Yonyx guide.
HTTPS Security provides a blanket of security to any web-browsing experience accompanied by any Yonyx guide.

HTTPS security is one of the overlooked features in every Yonyx guide that is distinguishable in both performance and function. HTTPS security has the capability to protect the computers and devices of any user that accesses a Yonyx guide from malware, viruses, spyware and bugs. What is HTTPS security? How is it different from traditional web browsing? Here’s how:

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service

  • The entire session that is logged-in is secured not just initial landing.
  • HTTPS stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure – defined as secure communication of a computer network. This removes the ability for hackers to illegally acquire confidential information.
  • HTTPS encrypts data to prevent wiretappers from attacking servers and software.
  • HTTPS use port 443, opposed to HTTP which use port 80. Essentially, the higher the port number the more secure it is and has the ability to protect SSL.

How This Helps Your Business

  • Customers can access any Yonyx guide with confidence knowing their information is secure.
  • Prevents viruses and spyware from spreading to customers across network
  • Builds rapport with clients by assuring them, business is doing everything in it’s power to protect them.
  • Builds trust in providing customers with the notion that the business is actively engaging in administrative matters that maintain security of their web address.

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