When you run a call center business, customer issues are becoming commonplace. In fact, it is what you are expected to do – your job, after all. Implementing a troubleshooting guide software will only make things fast and easier for you. So, before anything else, what can a troubleshooting guide software do?
- Reduces Average Handle Time (AHT)
- Promotes First Call Resolution (FCR)
- Encourages call center agent productivity
- Improves consistency throughout the company
- Increases CSAT or customer satisfaction score
These are just some of the things you get by implementing a troubleshooting guide software. But, in terms of resolving issues, what can it do?
When we talk about customer issues, we are talking about a problem and a problem will always have a root cause. It is the reason there is a problem, after all and you must get to it so you can find the right solution.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service.
The software guides you towards the right direction. But you need to identify the source of the problem first by discovering, investigating and asking the right questions before entering the resolution process. The software expedites this procedure by pulling out all relevant information related to the customer’s problem.
It does things automatically for you and while you’re at it, you can make side notes and other updates to the software so that the next incident’s resolution process becomes faster.
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