Social CRM is the most recent buzz in business communities nowadays and its users are both internal and external. It can be used either as private or public and can either be on an outsourced or hosted platform. Nonetheless, the application remains the same – it creates a company’s connection to external communities.
Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.
Despite the fact that the CRM software industry has been enjoying massive growth worldwide, various challenges and hurdles must be dealt with.
- Social CRM is just the evolution of traditional CRM. Its purpose was to give companies information and data to analyze during the recent years.
- Social CRM is a system and approach – not necessarily a technology. But even if businesses have been educated to transform objectives by considering the needs and wants of customers as a way to maximize profit, many corporations view CRM as technology or through an operational perspective.
- Social CRM must focus on “relationship” not just “management.” The fact that many organizations today focus more on the management side of CRM does not enable them to use the process on its full potential.
The key to its success is the participation of the community you’re targeting. The only time you can make full use of social CRM is when users participate and voluntarily give away information relevant to your business.
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