Small Business Social CRM Implementation

Small businesses don’t have as many issues and problems like large corporations do. Often, simple CRM will do when it comes to managing customers. However, social media allows you to get a little intimate with customers not only in your locality but all throughout the world and this is what social CRM is all about.

Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.

Social CRM allows you to converse with your customers differently – from authoritative to friendly and supportive. Unlike in traditional CRM, you manage customer relationships by being the “knowledgeable” and “experienced” one but in social CRM you “collaborate.” This puts value on what customers has to say about you.

Sign up for as many social media sites as you can. A great thing about social media platforms is they are free. This means you can freely advertise and do market research all you want. Nothing can probably beat this deal when you’re in the process of marketing your small business.

Participate in discussion groups. Mingle with your customers and ask them about their satisfaction and overall experience with your company, service or products. Most customers will be more than glad you asked – because they know you value them.

Create a blog. One way to share your knowledge and expertise without appearing too authoritative is creating a blog. With it, you can create informative articles that customers can read and learn more about company-, service- and product-related topics.

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Interactive Decision Tree