Successful Business Means Using Social Media for CRM

Most successful businesses have one thing in common – social CRM. They are using social media networks to determine who the driving force of most conversation is specifically when it is about your company and your brand.

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Upon identification, businesses then reach out to these loyal customers and establish deeper relationship with them. There are several reasons why businesses – such as yours – should turn to social CRM including:

  • Almost 80% of online customers have at least one active account on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. The reason is because it is in social sites that they can easily and immediately connect with people – their family, friends and other like-minded communities.
  • Nearly 50% of people have active accounts on sharing sites where they can find uploaded videos, photos and other kinds of media.
  • Only about 5% of online customers take the time and effort to regularly post original content or consistently respond to comments or posts of other people.
  • If you are a business owner, one of the biggest challenges you need to face is to discover what your customers think about and create a social media environment where you can deliver the exact value that they needed. However, you must first understand what it means to run the dynamics of social CRM in order to promote social growth. This way you can actively maintain social CRM activities and management while taking into consideration the attitudes of consumers and their perspective about what products to buy in the market.

Social CRM needs to meet the demands of customers especially when it comes to resolving issues or problems.

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