A Decision Tree Driven Software Manual Guides Customers to KB Articles

Your company has probably been churning out knowledgebase articles, helpful blog posts and emails that contain valuable information about your product. Take advantage of the KB articles you already have published by adding links to articles in your decision tree driven software manual.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

Reinforce Steps of the Decision Tree Driven Software Manual

Link a decision tree driven software manual to KB articles.
Link a decision tree driven software manual to KB articles.

While your decision tree driven software manual should provide plenty of customer support in its own right, outside links to KB articles can reinforce concepts or clarify steps. Use the detailed information you have amassed in your knowledgebase when appropriate in the manual.

Introduce Customers to Your Entire Knowledgebase Article Collection

If you host your decision tree driven software manual separately from your knowledgebase, you can use the opportunity to introduce customers to existing KB articles. Customers will appreciate the ability to browse topics that are of interest or relevant. They have the chance to peruse articles at their own pace.

A More Comprehensive Approach to Customer Self Service

To truly facilitate customer self service, you have to cover all aspects of the software as you generate your decision tree driven software manual. Maintaining links to KB articles provides a more comprehensive approach that only strengthens customer self service.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree