The Newbie and returners. This is how most of the organizations categorize the customers. A majority of the companies direct their customer experience, social CRM, creative customer support and in fact, the entire customer service towards these two types of customers. Then what about the other of categories of customers, which even your customer support analyst may find hard to know? While you cannot configure these types of customers, you can establish your decision tree which should entail a common way of dealing with the customers, having the core motive of providing excellent customer service to all the customers, regardless of their category.
Repeat Customers: These ones remain loyal with you no matter what. Companies shall give special attention to the repeat customers, as they are the cause of almost fifty percent of your company’s revenue. Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that replace the experience of getting help from a call center agent with interactive self-service.
Bargain Customers: These customers have the core interest to take the benefit from your special offers and discount deals, once they avail your offers; such type of customers never returns.
Impulsive Customers: The last category is the type of customers who are the need-based ones. They are neither concerned with your customer experience nor social CRM. They would only come to purchase a particular product and will vanish until they again need you. However, your help desk must work hand at troubleshooting their problems. [button_box header=”” buttontext=”Sign Up for a Free-For-Life Account” link=””][/button_box]