A Guide to Telecom Customer Management Best Practices in 2014

The telecom industry has become highly competitive and the markets have achieved the level of saturation. In such a scenario, customer retention gains the number one spot on the priority list of the companies.

Latest surveys suggest that a fulfilling experience with their telecom service provider is what matters the most to the customers. Concessions, discounts and bonuses take a back seat this time to superior customer support.

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Let’s take a look at the telecom customer management best practices this year.

  • Providing an exemplary customer support is one of the telecom customer management best practices. Establish a robust customer support system for around-the-clock assistance.

  • Offering assistance to the customers is not limited to just a call center. Customer support over multiple service channels is the key to success.

  • Establish a strong presence over social networking platforms through powerful social CRM strategies to foster customer engagement.

  • Align the processes of your call center to those of multiple service channels. Integration of customer data and history of interactions takes the customer experience to new heights.

  • Gearing up your customer service representatives to work productively over multi-channel service platform is certainly one of the most important telecom customer management best practices.

  • Offer vividly designed interactive user handbooks for customer support.

  • Moving the contact center to the cloud is one of the most popular trends for a reason.

In a nutshell, promoting customer retention through creative customer support is the crux of telecom customer management best practices in 2014.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

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