Three Benefits of Socializing With Customers

Social media is the topic that keeps business on the go. Jennifer Kirby gives out three areas to reflect on it by use of web 2.0.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

The value and opportunity of using social media falls on three baskets. They include:

Brand image and reputation

It’s what others say about you. They were the most important things but not any more. Socializing with your customers is the key thing. Companies like Red Bull and Zara have had great experiences with it. The more you socialize the more you will get new opportunities.

Ways to add brand and reputation.

  • Use Facebook and YouTube
  • Run education programs
  • Set up communities online.

Engaging with customers

Engaging with customers is at best done if these four stages inclusive of social media.

  • Drawing customer’s interest by use of social media attracts good customer.
  • Inviting interactions in order to listen and respond to needs makes it easy to get the customers response.
  • Providing customized solutions helps in reaching the wider market and providing services to small ‘specific interest groups’ or individual account.
  • Opening up to participation tend to be rewarding to both parties.

An adaptive customer value proposition

Customers want to be involved more with companies. By working well with your customers you will get good information from them.

Bottom line

Web 2.0 or controversial marketing tends to be a different way of networking in the twentieth century. Therefore they have to be put into consideration.

Yonyx provides the most natural form of publishing self service information that customers love to engage with when you’re socializing with them!

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree