The Troubleshooting Process: A Walk Through

Sometimes there are multiple methods to resolve an issue. The troubleshooting process can identify all of them, if carried out properly.
Sometimes there are multiple methods to resolve an issue. The troubleshooting process can identify all of them, if carried out properly.

The troubleshooting process can be a confusing concept to comprehend. There is a process to solving any problem and many times skipping a step can result in failure to resolve the conflict. Here is a brief overview of how to conduct a successful troubleshoot:

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service.

  1. Identify the Problem – What is the problem in particular? Get as detailed as possible and take in to consideration all the signs and symptoms that manifest.
  2. Consider Possible Causes – Sometimes the causality is simpler than you think. If you can identify this by quickly surveying the matter at hand, than you are ahead of the game. For example, electronics may malfunction by simply being unplugged or having a loose connection. A trivial matter may be solved instantaneously.
  3. Ask For Help – After steps one and two, if you have not found a resolution it may be time to ask for help. Consulting a help desk may help offer insights in to the nature of the problem. A virtual FAQ manual may also reveal the source and solution. Utilize the resources around you to find the best answer.
  4. Attempt Different Approaches – The solutions may materialize in the form of many options. Start with one possible approach and attempt them all until you achieve success or exhaust all options. Usually success is found in this phase. If no progress is made, repeat the process. The problem may be of an entirely different nature.

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