The virtual FAQ instruction manual is a revolutionary form of customer support. This can be fun and interactive for customers seeking answers to their troubleshoot. Virtual FAQ instruction manuals save customers time and frustration. Sometimes the most basic questions have the most primitive answers. Customers can log on to a remote self-help desk from any wireless device anywhere in the world. This can also help businesses with long queues. Most questions are easily reconcilable and comprise most of the call volume agents experience.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
Offers Continuity – This is a consistent reference guide for both agents and customers. Sometimes problems are not case-by-case, they are more cut and dry. Frequently asked questions often have the same answer. Ultimately, this can expedite the process and raise first call resolution rates, as well as average handle time. Respectively, this impacts CSAT effectively. All this exposition can be enjoyed from the installation of a frequently asked question interface.
Identifies Potential Conflicts – Essentially, the FAQ manual identifies some of the quirks and glitches that a product or service may struggle with. The frequently asked questions are a direct indicator of where the service or product lacks. This can be excellent information to ascertain for future revisions and updates.
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