Use The Power Of Social Media To Serve Your Social Customers Today

There are pretty impressive figures and statistics talking about the rise of social media in people’s social lives. Nearly 40% of the whole world is connected on social media, and most of them spend billions of minutes messing around from one social media platform to the other. As a forward thinking business, this is good news.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

First, use social media to know your customers much better. Create engagements with them not just listening and tracking them. Contribute to what the customers are saying. Also publish more content and unique updates considering nearly all of them check their news feeds for anything new every few minutes.

In addition, social media is a great place to serve your customers. As a customer service tool, social media is realer, casual and instant. This makes it easy for you to provide timely updates about personal customer requests for assistance.

Nonetheless, achieving successful social media use in customer service requires more focus from your business. Yonyx is an advanced platform (extremely easy to integrate) that can make your social media engagements more fruitful, in a way customers love.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree