A Look At Different Types of Customer Complaints

If you’re a business owner, you’re probably intimately familiar with the world of angry people, and if you’re not, hold on, because chances are a customer complaint is somewhere in your near future. When dealing with customer complaints, it’s important to remember that not all complaints are created equal, and as such, should be treated in very different ways. Below is a short list of some different types of customer complaints that you can encounter and what you should do to fix the situation. You can’t please everyone, and you need to keep that in mind, but thankfully, most people are reasonable and understanding if you make a genuine effort to correct your mistake.

Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that replace the experience of getting help from a call center agent with interactive self-service.

  • A Great Customer with a Complaint: These need to be fixed immediately and completely! Regular, loyal customers are the lifeblood of any business, so there’s nothing you don’t want to do to make sure they’re leaving (and hopefully returning) happy. These aren’t people trying to scam you out of free merchandise—they are honest people with legitimate complaints.
  • Social Media Complainer: These guys take to Facebook and Twitter to publically blast your company. As long as their grievances aren’t too severe, everything should blow over in a few days.

Yonyx solves the problem of cutting down the cost of customer support by automating the delivery of support knowledge through self service.

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