Know Common Complaints to Set Up a Helpdesk Integrated User Manual

A helpdesk integrated user manual reduces complaints.
A helpdesk integrated user manual reduces complaints.

Taking the time to truly understand the common customer complaints, makes setting up a helpdesk integrated user manual much easier because you can cover all of the important aspects. Finding out the customer complaints is the beginning of any valuable customer support tool.

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How can I compile a list of customer complaints?

You have few methods to choose from in order to decide on the common complaints to address in your helpdesk integrated user manual.

  1. Brainstorm based on past experiences. Gather your customer service team together for a brainstorming session that reviews many of the customer issues they’ve had to handle.
  2. Conduct a customer feedback survey. Customers appreciate it when you value their opinion. After you put the comments directly into use with a helpdesk integrated user manual, customers will know they’ve been heard.
  3. Analyze knowledgebase traffic and helpdesk calls. Popular KB articles are great indicators of common problem areas for customers. Combine knowledgebase metrics with call center reporting for the best understanding of customer complaints.

How should I prioritize the customer complaints?

Once you’ve gathered the list, you need to prioritize customer complaints to better focus your helpdesk integrated user manual. Any issue that could make it impossible for a customer to use your product should be at the top of the list. Also prioritize issues that arise regularly.

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