The Importance Of Crafting A Thorough Title For Your Interactive Guide

The proper use of titles for interactive guides, can alleviate any confusion or uncertainty.
The proper use of titles for interactive guides can alleviate any confusion or uncertainty.

The importance of creating a relevant and thorough title for your interactive guide is comparable to that of selecting keywords in an SEO article. Thus, it is extremely important to craft an appropriate title that will both stimulate your customer and reassure them when they access your interactive guide.

This experience can further build upon an enriching customer service experience and thus will ultimately be of the greatest benefit to those who compose and utilize these interactive guides for troubleshooting. Here’s how you can create a thorough and original title for your interactive guide:

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
  • Be original – If you are writing a troubleshoot guide for computer software malfunctions. Do not write “How to solve your software malfunction”. This is a rather vague title and very non-descriptive.
  • Be concise – This ties in with originality, clearly define the problem that this guide solves. The more specific, the better. This will also ward off customers who are searching for the wrong guide while providing direction to those who are.
  • Be catchy – Humor is always a great way to break the ice. Considering the nature of the troubleshoot, customers may be tense and even worried about their concerns. A funny title may ease them in to the process and further assure them everything will be okay.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree