How a Positive Customer Experience Leads to Loyalty and Acquisition

You offer an exceptional product or service and have a good reputation in the market. Everything looks fine until one day a customer has a bad customer experience while interacting with your company. They not only switch companies, they tell their friends as well.

The equation is simple and shouldn’t be a surprise to you. A negative customer experience hampers your business, while a positive one helps it grow. There is a strong correlation between a positive customer experience and customer loyalty and acquisition.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

Building Customer Loyalty

Retention or loyalty is developed after building a trust-based relationship with the customers through quality products and a creative customer support system. A sale is not the end of the interaction. A customer must be able to reach you for further information and assistance.

A troubleshooting helpdesk and an interactive decision tree are popular choices among the modern-day customers. An estimated 55% of customers prefer companies that have robust social CRM strategies. Social CRM is creative customer support tool designed to offer customer support on social media platforms.

Acquiring New Customers

A positive customer experience starts a chain reaction: Research->Select->Buy->Use->Recommend. An exceptional customer experience that is then shared by via social media helps you build a positive brand image and attract new prospects.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree