A helpdesk integrated installation FAQ is only as strong as the information and mechanisms supporting it. To provide enough installation support resources for your customers, point to KB articles already published directly in the FAQ.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
How to Choose the KB Articles
It’s always a good practice to start with the most popular KB articles you have published and make sure that those resources continue to be available. Sort the popular KB articles by topic or section of the helpdesk integrated installation FAQ to help prepare you for the next step.
How to Know When to Link to KB Articles
Knowledgebase articles are a great resource for the helpdesk integrated installation FAQ and should not be overlooked when explaining a complex subject. Since you’ve already sorted the KB articles, you simply add them to related sections of the FAQ and make the article and anchor text as focused as possible.
How to Point to KB Articles
The most common way to connect your helpdesk integrated installation FAQ and KB articles together is to provide hyperlinks in both directions. Link to one individual KB article at a time, as opposed to the whole catalog, to make better use of the information.
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