A good user manual for a product is very essential in your business. It not only helps improve your general customer experience, but also helps you lower the number of times customers call in with their product challenges- which they can solve by themselves. Yet, only a few telecom companies invest in really useful product user manuals that work.
In this article you will learn some of the most effective ways to create a great user manual for your products.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
Discover customer challenges
Customers encounter different issues each and every day. Conduct a survey of the major issues they face, and then build your user manual basing on the core issues. This will improve your user manual effectiveness and increase customer resolution rates.

Have an issue escalation contact
User manuals might not carry all the information that the customers need. There are some instances where customers may not understand information in the user manuals .Providing an escalation contact will make it easy for your customers.
We help businesses build user manuals that make their products, fun and easy to use. Discover how we can get the power of self service working for you today.
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