Generative AI Assist for Call Scripts

Yonyx decision tree maker platform includes built in Generative AI Assistant for Authors. If you can list points outlining what you wish to convey in a call script but need help with formulating the right language for your call script, or would like to infuse excitement, professionalism, or confidence into it, Yonyx AI Assist can help with all of this.

Call Scripts in Yonyx platform are included within guidance steps of an interactive decision tree. Agents at call centers follow a customer interaction pathway across the decision tree, while going over personalized call scripts with customers. Here are the steps an Author can follow to compose call scripts using Yonyx AI Assist.

1. Edit a Guidance Step

Yonyx Editor enables Authors to create HTML call scripts with built in AI Assistant

2. Select text from the body section that needs to be re-worded – e.g. raw wording of the points you wish to convey in the call script.

3. Click on AI Assist button.

Yonyx Editor includes an AI Assistant that can help process raw thoughts from an Author into fully formed call script.

Click on AI Assist to launch this feature within the Yonyx Editor

4. Choose a category from the left – e.g. Change tone.

Yonyx AI Assist provides many categories of generative assistance for creating call scripts.
Click on a category and then choose a subcategory to initiate AI Assist.

5. Now choose a sub-category from the chosen category. This causes AI Assist to process your original text (e.g. Author’s raw thoughts about what the call script needs to cover) and generate new text under the “Generated” tab. The available sub-categories are:

  • Improve
    • Fix Grammar
    • Simplify
    • Shorten
    • Expand
    • Rephrase
  • Summarize
    • Quick Summary
    • Detailed Summary
    • Generate Bulleted List Summary
    • Generate Numbered List Summary
    • Generate Action Items
    • Generate Sequential Steps
  • Change Tone
    • Casual
    • Empathetic
    • Encouraging
    • Friendly
    • Humorous
    • Professional
    • Specify Tone
  • Translate
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Portugese
    • Spanish
    • Specify language
Yonyx AI Assist generates well crafted call scripts that are embedded in guidance steps of an interactive decision tree. These scripts are created from the raw thoughts provided by an Author.
Edit the generated script if required, and click on the User Generated button to replace the original (raw thoughts) text with the generated one.

6. Author can now:

  • Edit the Generated text, then click on Use Generated button to replace the original text in the Body section.
  • Choose another category and subcategory to create new generated text from the previous generated text (under the Generated tab).
  • Click on the Original tab, and choose a different category and subcategory to generate new text under the Generated tab.

7. Note, after selecting Change Tone, instead to choosing one of the available categories – namely:

  • Casual
  • Confident
  • Empathetic
  • Encouraging
  • Friendly
  • Professional
  • You can also specify any other Tone – e.g. Pleading, Assertive, Motivational etc.

8. Similarly, after selecting Translate, instead of choosing one of the available languages – namely:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Portugese
  • Spanish
  • You can also specify any other language – e.g. Hebrew, Hindi, Arabic, Russian etc.

Authors can also use AI Assist to generate response nodes for a guidance step of Yonyx interactive decision tree. There are many decision tree examples for use of Yonyx Platform across such industries as Manufactured Goods, to Engineering, Insurance, Mortgage, Tort Law, Education etc. Customers may use Yonyx interactive decision trees, stand alone or integrated within Dialers or CRM systems like Salesforce, Zendesk or ZOHO.

Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, cold calling scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree