Crucial Aspects of Your Business Concept

There are two important things that you need to keep in mind while developing your business concept and creative customer support idea if you want it to be powerful and effective:

  •  Features: Features give your customers a good idea of what the product or service can do. It’s essential to choose words to describe your features that will appeal to your customers.  For instance, if you’re selling a computer, use jargon that your customers will understand. You also need to influence your customers so that they think that the features you offer are relevant. Features are often detailed in a technical manner. Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.
  • Benefits: Your customers need to think that your products or services increase their quality of life by making things easier. For instance, a new dishwasher can increase your quality of life by saving you energy and washing your dishes fast. Try to think of all of the benefits that your product offers and then emphasize the ones that they will find the most appealing. Different customers may find different benefits appealing. So, you may want to play up different benefits depending on who your customer is.

Yonyx enables organizations to generate creative customer support, good social CRM and customer experience that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree