Customer Service – What Is A Root Cause?

Identifying the root cause will bring forth providential outlooks.
Identifying the root cause will bring forth providential outlooks.

In the field of customer service there are two frequently used terms: customer complaint and root cause. A customer complaint embodies an entire general category, whilst root causes are specific. A root cause is the source of the complaint, the complaint can materialize in any which way that is a definitive sign or symptom. For example, if a customer has difficulty logging on to the internet or their downloading speeds have grown extremely sluggish, that would be the customer complaint. The root cause is to be determined. There are several reasons why a customer may have difficulty logging on to the internet.

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A decision-tree style diagram can help identify the root cause by automating customers through a step-by-step process that will help them identify the root cause or the source of their problem. In the case of internet connection difficulties, there are three common reasons why this can happen: modem is disconnected, proxy server malfunction or router is powered off. All three of these problems occur regularly and can be easily fixed. However, helping a customer identify a root cause can prepare them for future situations where the same symptoms may materialize yet again. The decision-tree diagram will not be imprinted in their mind and as a result, consumers will become more axiomatic.

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