Empathy is Your Friend: See It Their Way

You don’t need to work in customer service for very long before you run into a customer complaint or issue. How you deal with these issues defines not only your businesses’ sales and bottom line, but its reputation as well. Numerous customer service experts and blogs, including this one, have said using empathy is one of the best ways to deal with customer issues. Let’s take a closer look at empathy and see how it relates to an excellent customer experience.

Empathy is when you try to understand how another person feels—it means you’re putting yourself in their shoes and seeing things their way. Those phrases may be cliche, but they are good indicators of how it works. Speaking from experience, I have found this technique to work wonders. Let’s say you have a customer with a defective piece of merchandise, and they are visibly upset about it. Perhaps this merchandise was a gift for someone, and now they won’t be able to give it to them in a timely fashion. Put yourself in their shoes, and I think you’ll understand why they’re upset, and this can guide you through helping troubleshoot their problems.

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