Across this series of blog posts, we’ve been looking at the benefits of increased customer retention levels, such as an upswing in sales, and the various ways a business can increase their customer retention levels, including reciprocity and positive language. For the last post in this series, we want to turn out attention to the concept of support, and how it relates to customer retention.
In our time-strapped world where free time is a precious commodity, the idea that speedy service is secondary can seem a bit odd, but research has shown this to be the case. Instead, customers want a focus on quality—and then speed. Customers also want to feel like a business knows them, and their shopping and buying habits. When it comes to online customer service, again, take a few minutes to understand your demographic and what online channels they feel comfortable with. If it’s chat, use it. Email support? Go for it. Maybe they prefer social media channels such as Facebook or Twitter, and if they do, go with that. Do whatever you can to empower the customers and make them feel they are a welcome part of your businesses’ family. By now, we hope you have a good overview of the basics of customer retention and what it takes to keep customers coming back for more.
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