Should you employ automated support in your business? There are a number of factors that will affect the decision on what kind of customer support you want to provide. The factors sometimes include the size of your business, the amount of money you’re willing to spend on it, how advanced your computer networks are and other important factors.
Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.
You can choose either or both of the major types of customer support – live and automated support. When we say live support, we’re talking about real employees answering the phone for you, responding to customers’ email inquiries, participate in live chats and answer direct questions from customers. In other words, there is social interaction between the customer and your company’s representative.
Automated support, on the other hand, uses computer-generated answers. Automated support can be integrated on search features on your website, well-written FAQ pages, automated response to emails, paying bills directly through phone or online, getting account information by phone or online and everything else in between that doesn’t require your representative’s intervention.
Now that you know the difference between live and automated support, you can now decide whether it is right for you to use both or either of the two.
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