Some Tips for Using Mobile CRM Platforms

When you learn what CRM (Customer Resource Management) software packages do, you might think they would be well suited for mobile use, but this really isn’t the case. A number of companies have tried to use a mobile form of CRM, but have failed to have any luck with it. What’s the problem then? At, Chuck Shaeffer believes companies simply view it as CRM on a mobile device, and do not take into account the situations in which CRM may be used. He goes on to offer some advice on using mobile CRM.

The first is to consider the kind of situations where a customer may use a mobile form of CRM, and design the platform around that, taking advantage of the features the mobile device has to offer. Some of these features include using touch screen technology to utilize tasks, as well as geo-location features found on devices such as smart phones. He then suggests that companies understand user experiences are different from medium to medium—that is, there are differences between a mobile device and a PC. Indeed, the crux of his article is saying that a mobile CRM platform needs to be tailored to mobile devices.

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