Body Language and the Customer Service Experience

While it’s true that words hold power, and the are the crux of any conversation, body language also has a huge bearing on how a person perceives you. For instance, you can be saying one thing, but your body language is communicating something else altogether. In a customer experience setting, this can have some dire ramifications. Here are some tips for improving your body language skills.

When dealing with customers face to face, it is extremely important to maintain eye contact with them. It’s a definite sign you’re listening to them, and it can a long way to establishing a good relationship with the customer. Don’t discount posture either—as it too informs a good deal of how someone perceives you. If you’re standing up straight, you exude confidence, and customers will pick up on this. Finally, how close you stand to a person determines how they perceive you. When deciding how close to stand to someone, remember everyone has their “zone,” and it’s not wise for you stand in it. When interacting with customers, it’s a good idea to stand in the “personal” zone, as some experts call it. This allows you to establish a personal line of communication with the customer.

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