Using Empathy As a Tool For Customer Service

At some point in a company or organization’s history, customer complaints are going to rear their head, probably on a regular basis. We’ve all heard horror stories of customers practically foaming at the mouth over some minor detail. Those incidents really do happen—I’ve seen them first hand, but a majority of customer complaints are more reasonable in nature. So what’s one of the best ways to handle a customer complaint or issue, and keep them from escalating to the foaming at the mouth stage? A good method for doing so is to use empathy.

Empathy can involve putting yourself in another person’s shoes and trying to understand a problem or situation from their perspective. I speak from experience—empathy is a very powerful tool for handling issues and complaints. In very few instances is a customer complaining simply to hear themselves talk, although it can seem that way at times. Most of them have a genuine issue they want resolved, and if you’re having trouble understanding why they want it that way, try to see it from their point of view. You might be surprised at what you find.

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