Customer Service For Dummies

Excellent customer service is key to not only just  to have a successful business, but also providing an excellent customer experience, especially in the context of social CRM.  In order to achieve the level of creative customer support though, you need to establish some consistency with all of your employees. After all, even if you personally provide good customer service, that does not mean others will naturally help to form a good customer experience. If you wish for your employees to have excellent customer service, you must establish a customer service policy that every employee will have to maintain in order to help grow the business.
You do not have to even write up the policy all by yourself. You can receive assistance from a customer support analyst, or even a few employees from various levels and departments. This will ensure that all aspects are covered when the policy is put into place. You never know when someone else will have a good idea as to how to improve relationships with customers, even in social CRM level.

Yonyx enables organizations to create multi-media flowcharts that provide customers an interactive self-service experience similar to interacting with a live Agent.

The policy that is to be put into place must be able to be understood by and to be followed by all employees in order to achieve a sense of unity and consistency for the sake of the customer.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree