Don’t Be Afraid to Say You’re Sorry

No business is perfect, and mistakes will be made. It’s how you handle those mistakes that will define you as a business. After all, there’s a good reason many customer service experts state that you can easily create a customer for life based on how you handle a customer’s complaint. In my experience, empathy has been key in handling customer experience issues, and one of the key components of empathy is the ability to say “I’m sorry,” and actually mean it.

In a well publicized incident, accidentally deleted books, particularly 1984 and Animal Farm, off user’s Kindles. Deleting the books alone would have been cause for outrage, but given the subject matter of the two books, the deletions really raised the ire of customers. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, took one for the team, and issued a public apology. It wasn’t canned or a form letter—it came straight from him. The result was many satisfied customers. Amazon has set a gold standard in customer service, and this incident proved why. Remember: you’re not going to be able to make everyone happy, but for those that you do—you have a customer for life.

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