More Excellent Tips to Help Retain Customers

In a previous blog post, I talked about the importance of customer retention—that is, once you have created a new customer, of actually retaining them and their business. I went on to give three strategies to help with this, such as stroking a customer’s ego and sharing their values. Here are some more tips to help your business retain its customers. These tips involve word choice and language.

The last blog post, and indeed many on this site, have extolled the virtues of positive language, and just how it can go a long way towards impacting sales and your businesses’ bottom line. The same goes with customer retention, namely using words that customers like to hear. These can include “new,” and the biggie: “free.” Think about it—how much do YOU like to hear those words, especially related to a product or service? We all like to hear those words, so consider them in your retention strategies. You can also spin potentially negative words into reassuring ones. Take for instance, service fees. Instead of just calling them that, refer to them as “a small fee.” The use of word small takes some of the sting out of the fee. Again, language is key.

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