You may realize that your customers could benefit from the support provided by a decision tree driven troubleshooting handbook, but may not know how to get started. In many ways, choosing the topics to cover within the handbook is the most difficult piece of the puzzle.
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.
Existing Wikis & KB Articles
If you already have knowledgebase in place, you likely have a gold mine of information to serve as the foundation of your decision tree driven troubleshooting handbook. Take a look through existing Wikis and KB articles to reference the most popular.
Analyzing Customer Complaints
Look at the customer complaints that your business regularly receives over a variety of channels. Take into account social media, call center metrics and your own personal experience. Knowing which customer complaints need to be addressed makes it easier to create a decision tree driven troubleshooting handbook.
Conducting a Feedback Survey
It’s always a good idea to ask your customers what they think, especially if you have an active customer base. Consider a simple survey over social media, e-mail or through your website that provides customers the opportunity to explain the issues they are facing.
Listen to your customers and you’ll know which topics are most important for your decision tree driven troubleshooting handbook.
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