Call center agents should not be queued up due to inconsistency. A Yonyx API solution is the optimal solution.
Call center agents should not be queued up due to inconsistency. A Yonyx API solution is the optimal solution.

Productivity and consistency, the two facets of successful call center agent contributions. Customer satisfaction depends on call center agents being able to provide both productive and consistent customer service. Inconsistency consists of low first call resolution rates, as well as poor average handle times. There are some tools that any business can provide to install confidence and various call center solutions that cater for agent consistency.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting or how-to related customer self service.

  • Recurring Training  – Frequenting training sessions and workshops will only enhance the consistency of call center agents. This can be the number one call center solution, if an agent is well versed and familiar with the product or service, they can think outside of the box and find new ways to solve old problems. Know-how can bring forth the greatest form of consistency.
  • Help Desk Integrated Handbook – Yonyx can help any business with multimedia content in the form of a help desk integrated handbook. This is a great way to procure consistency.  Agents can utilize the easy to use and lightning fast search tool that is user friendly and safe to use with a variety of browsers. After a while, the answers become routine and consistency will flourish.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree