Getting Your Business Started on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are rapidly becoming the new standard in businesses handling of the customer experience. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google Plus offer many great features that can enhance your customer service. Let’s take a quick look at each.

By now, you’re probably familiar with Twitter and Facebook, so we’ll keep it short: Twitter is a micro-blogging site where you compose “tweets,” message of no more than 140 characters on any topic you can think of. You can use it tweet about promotions or links to articles on your website. Facebook is the largest social media site around, and with it, you can create a page for your business, and communicate with customers in a manner never seen before. Google Plus offers some improvements on this formula, especially with its Hangout feature, where you can host product demonstrations in real time, as well as hold Q and As, all over the World Wide Web. Finally, Instagram allows users to take and upload photos and share them with their social network. You can use it help promote new products, and engage with customers.

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