Why An Interactive Decision Tree Is Better Than a Traditional F.A.Q.

The interactive decision tree is a vital tool in the arena of automated support systems. Companies are striving to offer a better customer experience by implementing creative customer support systems. The interactive decision tree takes care of everything by providing a self-service platform to the customers to access 24/7.

Related Article: How decision tree driven interactive guides replace traditional FAQs?

F.A.Q Section Doesn’t Resolve Customer Issues

The F.A.Q section of the website consists of a list of questions and answers for the purpose of disseminating information about the products, business transactions and policies etc. The F.A.Q. lacks the flow of a normal customer support interaction.

Unlike the traditional F.A.Q, a diligently designed interactive decision tree delivers a quality customer experience. By the end of the decision tree, the customer has either solved the problem or is in touch with a customer service agent.

Decision Trees Follow the Natural Flow of Troubleshooting

A decision tree fares better as a troubleshooting guide because its almost as if the customer called the helpdesk. Customers can directly move on to the next level by choosing a desired option, thereby completing the troubleshooting process swiftly.

Related Article: How call center agents use decision tree driven interactive guides instead of call scripts or FAQs to improve customer service?

On the other hand, the F.A.Q. requires the customers to go through an endless number of pages before the arriving at the information that solves their problem. It is an indirect approach that often leaves the customer issue unresolved.

Learn about a new approach to better customer service!

Interactive Guides for Superior Customer Service

Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, cold calling scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree