Using an Interactive Handbook Software as a Major Strategic Solution

A proven strategy that enhances the quality of customer experience in many call center companies include implementing an interactive handbook software. The software is able to offer a company the following benefits:

Interactive handbook software | A strategic solution
Interactive handbook software | A strategic solution
  • Enhanced potential for revenue
  • Increased customer retention
  • Reducing operational costs

These three things are primary objectives for all call center companies and this can be made possible through using an interactive handbook software. It automates the process of resolving issues thus making it faster and agents can become more productive by reducing the average handle time (AHT).

Because of an interactive handbook software, customer satisfaction can be attained as well as continued success. It delivers consistent and uniform support service, which enriches customer experience throughout your company’s channels.

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service.

The introduction of the software eliminated the possibility of putting your agents at a disadvantage when your implemented systems are disorganized and chaotic. If these systems are difficult to use, inflexible and applications that do not work seamlessly, agents will find it hard to interact with customers thus increasing the handle time and decreases customer experience rating.

If this happens, your company risks losing customers in the process. You don’t only lose customers but revenue as well, which will lead to an ultimate business failure.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree