Using Social Media to Handle the Customer Experience

Social media has become the new norm for businesses. It seems as if every business has a Facebook page, and many have a Twitter feed. Then there are all the buttons on a business’ page asking you to like the product, or the business themselves, on a social media platform. Businesses use social media to conduct giveaways, host Q and As, and many other business functions. So what happens when a customer complains about your business via social media?

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Before dealing with a social media complaint, be sure to have employees monitor social media for mentions of your business. Have them pay attention to Twitter posts, and particularly hashtags. When a customer complains on your Facebook page, for instance, provide a quick, right-away answer, even if it’s nothing more than “I’ll get back to you on this.” Customers are expecting a quick response, so this will help. If by chance you can quickly resolve their issue, that’s great! You probably just created a customer for life. Try not to have the last word, especially if you’re dealing with people just out to make a point.

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