Over and over again, it is proclaimed that Yonyx’s various customer management software platform can help businesses in a variety of ways. Ranging from call center scripts to extensive customer relationship management applications, Yonyx has something for everyone. Have you really taken a look at some of the cool features, that Yonyx has to offer? Here are some things to consider:
Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service
- Decision Nature Architecture – This is perhaps Yonyx’s most prominent feature. Decision Nature Architecture or DNA changes the game altogether. It revolutionizes decision-tree driven guides and features a network of freely interconnected nodes. This is vastly different from the traditional flow chart, that one person creates. Now multiple users can help create the best charts and graphs.
- Robust and Redundant Deployment Applications – This is a marvelous feature as well. In the case of a failure, there are back up systems. In fact, back up systems upon back up systems, ensuring that the prevalent and important information is always available. This can help when a server crashes or when a knowledge base is destroyed. What is lost, is always found with a Yonyx AGI Solution.
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