Things You Need To Know About Yonyx’s AGI Solutions

Over and over again, it is proclaimed that Yonyx’s various customer management software platform can help businesses in a variety of ways. Ranging from call center scripts to extensive customer relationship management applications, Yonyx has something for everyone. Have you really taken a look at some of the cool features, that Yonyx has to offer? Here are some things to consider:

Yonyx enables organizations to create decision tree driven interactive guides for troubleshooting & how-to information for customer self-service 

Yonyx Author Guided Interactive (AGI) Self Service Platform in troubleshooting applications
Yonyx Author Guided Interactive (AGI) Self Service Platform in troubleshooting applications
  1. Decision Nature Architecture – This is perhaps Yonyx’s most prominent feature. Decision Nature Architecture or DNA changes the game altogether. It revolutionizes decision-tree driven guides and features a network of freely interconnected nodes. This is vastly different from the traditional flow chart, that one person creates. Now multiple users can help create the best charts and graphs.
  2. Robust and Redundant Deployment Applications – This is a marvelous feature as well. In the case of a failure, there are back up systems. In fact, back up systems upon back up systems, ensuring that the prevalent and important information is always available. This can help when a server crashes or when a knowledge base is destroyed. What is lost, is always found with a Yonyx AGI Solution.

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Develop interactive decision trees for troubleshooting, call flow scripts, medical appointments, or process automation. Enhance sales performance and customer retention across your call centers. Lower costs with customer self-service.

Interactive Decision Tree